I was thrilled to photograph local writer Lorraine Jean Hopping, who is an accomplished author and game inventor, and her husband, copy editor Chris Egan. Hopping is well-known for her scientific books for children. My 8-year-old daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed her book, Explore Within An Egyptian Mummy. We tried to absorb every detail in this book filled with interesting facts and also a three-dimensional inner coffin of a mummy. Every turn of a page revealed another layer of the mummification process. Even my five-year-old son was intrigued! We are excited to pick up her latest book, World of Inventors: Leonardo da Vinci, which is a biography that includes a flying toy!
During my 12 years at The Ann Arbor News, I was lucky enough to work with Egan, who was a copy editor in the sports department. He is currently a freelance writer in the area.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Savoring the start of a new year...
The sunlight warmed the skin as we crunched through the snow on the trails of Park Lyndon South on New Year's Day. A couple folks from the group mentioned that it was the perfect way to start the new year and I couldn't agree more.
Fresh air in our lungs, sounds of a nuthatch and a chickadee and the creeking of the tall pines overhead. The youthful energy of two young girls who had no problem zipping down a slippery slope while this older soul kept steady footing. The beauty of snow angels and quietness of a frozen lake. The gift of good company.
Thanks to Susan and Kirk who opened up their home in the wilderness to us. We savored the moments!
We've enjoyed this holiday season. My daughter, Attie, was pleased to have a new dress to ring in the holidays. She must have tried on all the dresses that were her size! My son, Phoenix, celebrates all the presents on Christmas day with his sister.